The Board of the CISI is pleased to announce that six CISI Honorary Fellowships have been recently awarded to:

  • Richard Charnock FCSI(Hon)
  • Philippa Foster-Back CBE, FCSI(Hon)
  • Martin Watkins, FIoD, FBCS, FCSI(Hon)
  • Alan Burr FCSI(Hon)
  • Chris Harris-Deans FCSI(Hon)
  • Clive Shelton FCSI(Hon)

Honorary Fellowships are awarded annually by the CISI’s Board of Trustees to those who have made an outstanding positive contribution, both to the financial services profession and to the CISI.  Honorary Fellowship carries the designatory letters FCSI(Hon).

CISI Chairman, Michael Cole-Fontayn, said “The CISI Board and I are delighted this year to award our highest accolade, Honorary Fellowship, to these six accomplished financial community professionals.

“This is our recognition of their outstanding contribution to both the Institute and the financial services profession globally. Throughout their careers they have shown incredible dedication to our profession and commitment to life-long learning. As such, they are exemplary role models for the next generation of professionals. We look forward to their continued support, guidance and inspiration over the coming years."


Clive Shelton
Clive is a governance, compliance and risk expert with more than 30 years of experience in the profession. Since the 1990s his roles with the CISI have included study text author, exam panel volunteer, member and Chairman of the CISI Exam Board, past president of CISI Essex branch and several terms as CISI director and trustee.  Clive’s career started with the Bank of England, joining M&G Group Plc in 1987 and then International Financial Data Services Limited in 2003. He is currently a member of the FS Expert Witness group and an adviser to new start-up tv streaming companies.


Alan Burr
Alan has almost 50 years international financial markets experience. He has deep derivatives and securities knowledge and is recognised as a leading authority in the field of operations, regulation and risk management. He is currently Deputy Chairman of the CISI Operations Forum committee and is a CISI accredited trainer and examiner. Following 20 years with ICCH (now LCH Limited) in Hong Kong and London, he joined MEFF, the Spanish Financial Futures Exchange in 1992. Today he is an independent advisor offering a broad range of professional services.


Chris Harris-Deans
Chris has been working as an Investment Manager for the past 25 years. He manages a wide range of portfolios for clients and works closely with their other advisers to enable a strong partnership for holistic advice.  Chris is a Director of IMS for Charles Stanley and previously served for 10 years on the Board of the CISI. He is also connected with a number of local organisations.


Richard Charnock
Richard is CEO of Aberdeen Standard Capital, having joined Standard Life in February 2007. Richard is also Director of Aberdeen Standard Capital International Limited and a non-executive Director of HDFC International Life and RE Company. Richard was a member of Standard Life UK Executive board from 2010-2014 and subsequently became Managing Director of the Adviser and Investment business of Standard Life UK. He served with the British army in the mid 1980’s and holds an honours degree in Geography from the University of Durham. His CISI roles have included CISI board director and member of the CISI Integrity and Ethics Committee.


Philippa Foster Back CBE
Philippa has extensive experience in Corporate Treasury and Finance.  In 2020 she was appointed a Director of the Financial Markets Standards Board (FMSB Limited). Previously Philippa was Director of the Institute of Business Ethics (2001 – 2020) and Group Treasurer at EMI Group. Her awards include an OBE for services to the Ministry of Defence in her capacity as NED and Chair of the Defence Audit Committee, and a CBE for services to UK Antarctic Heritage. Her CISI roles have included CISI board director. She holds an Honorary Doctor of Law from University of Warwick and an Honorary Doctorate of the Open University.


Martin Watkins, FIoD, FBCS
Martin joined Archax last year as CEO of Montis Digital, an Archax subsidiary. Previously, he was EMEIA Lead for Exchanges and FMI at Ernst & Young for over seven years, and before that was senior management at Euroclear UK and Ireland. He has also been an executive member of AtosEuronext in Paris. He is a Court Assistant at the Worshipful Company of International Bankers and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists. His previous CISI roles include member of the Membership Committee and Chair of the CISI FinTech Forum Committee from 2018 to 2020.


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